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Text File | 1992-12-31 | 9.7 KB | 395 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DAppEventSupport.cp
- Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Change History (most recent first):
- <6> 12/31/92 MTG making the code conditionaly compiled so that I am
- always working with a current version in either think c
- or MPW C++
- <5> 11/14/92 MTG Bringing the C++ version up to date WRT the ThinkC version.
- <4> 9/20/92 MTG bringing the C++ version up to date with the THINKC viersion
- <3> 8/9/92 MTG merging changes from the ThinkC version
- <2> 8/8/92 MTG fixing warnings
- To Do:
- */
- //
- // This file holds the impelemtation of the Event dispatch code for
- // the DApplication class. It has the event object list maintence
- // code and the "first crack" methods for the various Events returned by WaitNextEvent
- // which do something important then sends the event on to the
- // event handler model. The First Crack methods are NOT to do the work that
- // the DEventHandler method overrides are intended to do, just the
- // critical tasks which must be done befor the eventhandler can
- // do its job.
- //
- #include "DApplication.h"
- #include "DEventHandler.h"
- #include "DDocument.h"
- #include <AppleEvents.h>
- #include <DinkUtils.h>
- #define kOSEvent app4Evt
- #define kSuspendResumeMessage 0x01
- #define kMouseMovedMessage 0xFA
- void DApplication::EventLoop(void)
- {
- long gotEvent;
- EventRecord theEvent;
- while(fDone == FALSE)
- {
- gotEvent = WaitNextEvent( everyEvent, &theEvent, fSleepVal, NULL);
- gPassItOn = TRUE;
- switch(theEvent.what)
- {
- case nullEvent:
- NullEvent(&theEvent);
- break;
- case mouseDown:
- MouseDown(&theEvent);
- break;
- case activateEvt:// put the correct window in the front!!! and make it the mTarget!!
- ActivateEvt(&theEvent);
- break;
- case autoKey:
- case keyDown:
- KeyDown(&theEvent);
- break;
- case diskEvt:
- DiskEvt(&theEvent);
- break;
- case kHighLevelEvent:
- HighLevelEvent(&theEvent);
- break;
- case kOSEvent:
- OSEvent(&theEvent);
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- UpdateEvt(&theEvent);
- break;
- default:
- //EnterMBStr("unknown event!!!");
- break;
- }// end big event switch!!
- }// end while mDone is still false
- }// end member function EventLoop
- //
- // The following section of code is the "First Crack" methods requiered
- // by the Macintosh os, and the DinkClass event handling architecture.
- //
- void DApplication::MouseDown(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- WindowPtr theWindow;
- short partCode;
- long result;
- partCode = FindWindow( theEvent->where, &theWindow);
- if( partCode == inMenuBar )
- {
- ClearMenus();
- fTarget->SetUpMenues();
- result = MenuSelect(theEvent->where);
- if(HiWrd(result) != 0)
- {
- fTarget->HandleMenuChoice(HiWrd(result), LoWrd(result) );
- HiliteMenu(0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( theWindow != FrontWindow() )
- SelectWindow( theWindow); // The resulting activate event will
- // correctly set the ftarget of me in
- // the Activate method bellow.
- else
- fTarget->HandleMouseDown(theEvent, partCode, theWindow);
- }
- }// end MouseDown member function
- void DApplication::NullEvent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- fTarget->HandleNullEvent(theEvent);
- if( fDeadHandlers->NumItems())
- FlushDeadHandlers();
- }
- void DApplication::ActivateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- short windowKind;
- windowKind = ((WindowPeek) theEvent->message)->windowKind;
- if (windowKind >= userKind)
- {
- fTarget = (DEventHandler *) GetWRefCon((WindowPtr)theEvent->message);
- fTarget->HandleActivateEvt(theEvent);
- }
- else
- fTarget = this;
- // I'm making the same assumption that userKind windows are DWidnows which
- // is a safe assumption as DWindows are created by the user.
- // windows under sys 7 will be DWindows.
- // whatch for active windows not being the front one, if this happens
- // then a check for frontness needs to be put here and if window isn't
- // the front on then bring it up.
- }
- void DApplication::AutoKey(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- fTarget->HandleAutoKey(theEvent);
- // BIG STUBB!!!!
- }
- void DApplication::KeyDown(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- char key;
- long result;
- key = (char) theEvent->message & charCodeMask;
- if( theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey ) //command key!!
- {
- ClearMenus();
- fTarget->SetUpMenues();
- result = MenuKey(key);
- if(HiWrd(result) != 0)
- {
- fTarget->HandleMenuChoice(HiWrd(result), LoWrd(result) );
- HiliteMenu(0);
- }
- }
- else // not menu command key
- fTarget->HandleKeyDown(theEvent);
- }
- void DApplication::DiskEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- Point mountPoint;
- short err;
- if (HiWrd(theEvent->message) != noErr)
- {
- SetPt(&mountPoint, kDILeft, kDITop);
- err = DIBadMount(mountPoint, theEvent->message);
- }
- fTarget->HandleDiskEvt(theEvent);
- }
- void DApplication::HighLevelEvent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- AEProcessAppleEvent(theEvent);
- //fTarget->HandleHighLevelEvent(theEvent);
- }
- void DApplication::OSEvent(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- switch ((theEvent->message >> 24) & 0xFF)
- {
- case kMouseMovedMessage:
- DisposeRgn( fCursorRgn);
- fCursorRgn = NewRgn();
- SetRectRgn(fCursorRgn, -32766, -32766, 32766, 32766);
- break;
- case kSuspendResumeMessage:
- fInBackground = !(theEvent->message & resumeFlag);
- if (fInBackground) //going into the background
- {
- fSleepVal = BACKGROUNDSLEEP; // we don't wan't any NULL events when we're in the background
- GiveClipToSystem();
- }
- else // coming out of the background
- {
- fSleepVal = SLEEPVAL;// put back to normal!!
- if(theEvent->message & convertClipboardFlag)
- GetClipFromSystem();
- // I don't do anything else for I know that the front window will
- // be getting an activate event next loop!!!
- }
- break;
- }
- fTarget->HandleOSEvent(theEvent);
- }
- void DApplication::UpdateEvt(EventRecord *theEvent)
- {
- DWindow *upDateWindow;
- short windowKind;
- windowKind = ((WindowPeek) theEvent->message)->windowKind;
- // I'm making the same assumption that userKind windows are DWidnows which
- // is a safe assumption as DWindows are created by the user
- // windows under sys 7 will be DWindows. This is a bit of a risk hear, if
- // the window is not in my appliction plane (which shouldn't happen) this
- // will brake.
- if (windowKind >= userKind)
- {
- upDateWindow = (DWindow *) GetWRefCon((WindowPtr)theEvent->message);
- gPassItOn = FALSE;
- upDateWindow->HandleUpdateEvt(theEvent);
- }
- gPassItOn = TRUE;
- }
- //
- // The following section of code is in support of the multiple
- // event handling object modle used in the DinkClass library
- //
- // Itterate over the list of deadHandlers event hadlers and delete
- // them all. It is assumed that they have all cleaned up after
- // themselves and its ok to puff them.
- Boolean DApplication::FlushDeadHandlers(void)
- {
- DEventHandler *nextHandler;
- fIterator->Init(fDeadHandlers);
- // First remove the dead handlers from the event hadler list (see bellow
- // for WHY they haven't been removed already) then delete them. The error
- // checking (like is nextHandler in the list of fEventHandlers? or fDeadHandlers?)
- // is done in RemoveItem, but we have to be carefull with that delete guy.
- // He'll nuke you if given any excuse.
- while( nextHandler = (DEventHandler *)fIterator->GetCurrentThenIncrement() )
- {
- fEventHandlers->RemoveItem(nextHandler);
- if( fDeadHandlers->RemoveItem(nextHandler) )
- delete nextHandler;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Take killMe out of the list of itsEventHandlers and
- // up-date the list pointers in that list and finaly
- // place that guy in the list of deadHandlers for flushing
- Boolean DApplication::RemoveHandler( DEventHandler *killMe)
- {
- DEventHandler *nextHandler;
- fIterator->Init(fEventHandlers);
- // First loop over the event hadlers and reset all refrences to killMe
- // to killMe->fNextHandler. Then if killMe is the fTarget reset that
- // to point to either killMe->fNextHandler or gApplication
- // (if killMe->fNextHandler == NULL)
- while( nextHandler = (DEventHandler *)fIterator->GetCurrentThenIncrement() )
- {
- if (killMe == (nextHandler)->fNextHandler)
- (nextHandler)->fNextHandler = killMe->fNextHandler;
- if (killMe == fTarget)
- {
- if ( fTarget->fNextHandler)
- fTarget = killMe->fNextHandler;
- else
- fTarget = gApplication;// ok for now but this may make dangleing pointers later!!!!!
- }
- }
- // I don't remove the killMe object form the fEventHandlers list at this point
- // because if I did then the CleanUp() method which tells all the eventhandlers
- // to kill themselvs would not work dew to side effects of objects killing themselves
- // and telling thier dependents to do the same (eg DWindow->KillMeNext() does this)
- //
- // If I did remove the event handler from the fEventHandlers list then that
- // list would change while an iterator was opperating on it, resulting in the
- // iteration getting lost in space.
- if( fEventHandlers->ItemInList(killMe) )
- {
- fDeadHandlers->AddItem( killMe );
- return TRUE; // killMe is taken out of the picture and ready to die
- }
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- Boolean DApplication::InstalHandler( DEventHandler *addMe)
- {
- if (fEventHandlers->ItemInList( addMe ) == FALSE)
- fEventHandlers->AddItem( addMe );
- return TRUE;
- }
- //
- // ClearMenus is a utility method which gets called by the first
- // crack mouse down DApplication method if the mouse event was in the
- // menu bar. I think this class of member function should be
- // partitiond away from the rest of the class definition.
- //
- void DApplication::ClearMenus()
- {
- MenuHandle menu;
- int menuItem;
- menu = GetMHandle(rFileMenu);
- for (menuItem=1; menuItem<=CountMItems(menu); menuItem++)
- {
- EnableMenuItem( menu, menuItem, FALSE);
- }
- menu = GetMHandle(rEditMenu);
- for (menuItem=1; menuItem<=CountMItems(menu); menuItem++)
- {
- EnableMenuItem( menu, menuItem, FALSE);
- }
- }